© LS6 REGISTRY - All Rights Reserved

Chevelle LS6 Registry - Certificate of Registration

Before you order

You must have your LS6 registered before you can order a Certificate of Registration, stickers, buttons, etc.

Any Certificate of Registration order submitted WITHOUT some form of paperwork showing (1) the VIN of the car AND (2) the LS6 engine option will not be registered. Good documentation would include such things as an image of the ORIGINAL build sheet, ORIGINAL warranty card (Protect-O-Plate), GM Shipping Order, dealer invoice, etc. DO NOT order a Certificate of Registration until your registration has been confirmed. Credit card or PayPal orders will not be processed until appropriate verification has been received.

© LS6 REGISTRY - All Rights Reserved
↑↑ One Proud Registrant sticker included with any certificate order ↑↑

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